Analysis of Online and In-store Clothes Shopping Experiences Taking a User Journey Approach
An actionable guideline on how to design for future clothes shopping experiences, aimed for interaction designers, who design AR, VR and MR interfaces.
In parallel to advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT), shopping has evolved as one of the most commonly carried out daily activities in people's lives. This transformation generates different interactions with our physical and digital environment through devices, and different ways of shopping have emerged, leading to reshaping shopping experiences.
As a researcher, my personal motivation is to have better understanding on discovering potential transformation of shopping experiences.
How shopping experience would evolve when interactions are reshaped?
Particularly, 'clothes shopping' is chosen as an experience to focus on this research to understand how clothes shopping occurs when it is not possible to see, touch, and try on the clothes; that is, the senses of sight and touch are restricted.
Comparing data on online activity both before and during COVID-19 is especially valuable for estimating the ongoing and potential changes for future. Therefore, the pandemic situation is considered as a starting point for this research.
In addition, sensory restrictions during shopping have risen during the COVID-19 pandemic period, such restrictions also apply whilst shopping in online mediums. Therefore, the topic has relevance during the pandemic, the scope extends beyond.